Thursday, May 25, 2006

Ghore Baire-II

I hate fakes.
I hate fake people, I hate fake things, Ihate fake money, I hate fake smiles. I hate them all.
I may not agree with Holden Caulfield on much, but on this, I do. I hate fakes.

I hate it when a house just feels fake. Not like it cares that you live in it. When it's all made up to show off, but not to live in. As it is, it takes a little getting used to, this whole moving shit, but on top of that, it is announced that in this house, things are going to be perfect; that they'd better be or else. Now that sucks. This house?? Like its something different? Like it's somehow a second chance to make up for the past mistakes made while living in the old place? It can never compare to the old place!!! Now that was home, as I've mentioned before. What's this place? Some swank apartment where people come and gape and say: "Wow! You've done the house up sooooooo beautifully!!" That's what a house is meant for??? BULLSHIT!!!

I hate it when I can't blast my music. I hate it when I can't come home late. I hate it when I can't talk out loud or scream. I hate it when I can't bring my boyfriend back home. I hate it when I'm forbidden to put up posters on my walls because its expensive paint. I give a fuck about neighbours. I wish they didn't exist. This is MY house and I will do what I like in it.

I hate it when a house just becomes an excuse to keep up with the Joneses. Who the fuck cares man? Be your own Jones. Ur pad should be YOURS. Even voiolently so. Make it individual. When people come over, DON'T do it up. Just to show you couldn't care less. It's YOUR house. You shouldn't care anyways. They don't like it, well, there's one door, exit, stage left.

The one thing wrong about our new place is that it feels fake. Not like it intended to. It was made to feel fake. I hate that. I've grown pretty much used to it now, but its kind of a floating adaptation. Like I know it's not going to last anyways. Just a couple of more years. For that, this will have to do. If I go anywhere else, move anyplace else, this will not be the place i will remember. I will remember a place with peeling paint, a magnificent chaat, Zidane's posters, old newspapers, old books, creaking doors, four poster beds, red flooring and the incessant drone of Rashbehari traffic. I don't like too much quiet. I want to KNOW that I'm in a city!

Home is a special place for me. But fakes are like so see-through. Homes should never be made out of fake houses. And that is all I have to say about that.


Blogger March Hare said...

'I dont like too much quiet...I like to KNOW I am in a city...' spoke my mind...and you know what?? I am dreadfully afraid that OUR new apartment will turn out to be just like this...fake and showing-off...

11:26 AM  
Blogger Joychaser said...

uff.....i know the feeling!! its like living in a museum. but its fun doing up a house too, i've never really done that before. I can't put up anything on my walls too, i had one of the walls stencilled with grass, butterflies, and beetles, the other two are covered with bookcase, windows, etc... the only stretch of blank wall that could be adorned in above my bed, and i care too much about the paint to stick something there, considering I singlehandedly supervised the asian paints home solution guys, who extracted a humoungous amount outta me.

10:01 PM  
Blogger Shion Guha said...

Uncle Anc's crazy list of even crazier solutions to the Ragdolls Ramblings:

1. For the walls, you can buy poster mounts... or better still ask your dad to get some from the US. Here they are available at around Rs.100 for 20... at Giggles in P Street and at Forum. they do not spoil the paint... tested and confirmed... thats why they are used so much in the US.

2. Every time, I meet Arunava, he's on his way to your I do not see why you complain. he needs to appease your parents and your maid. Now, Arunava, is usually too sexually excited to do anything but those. A bit of groundwork is required which he has failed in. Push him to accomplish that.

3.Udita is a very good place to live in. You are too old for such a displacement syndrome to happen and no, I am not going to listen to bimbette, or diviani talking about it. you need to figure that out on ur own.

4. Have no fear... Uncle Anc is here...

12:47 AM  
Blogger La Figlia Che Piange said...

Your old house was really special, it had this old world charm...

12:16 PM  
Blogger Pranaadhika Sinha Devburman - Bat said...

I hate it when a house just becomes an excuse to keep up with the Joneses. Who the fuck cares man? Be your own Jones. Ur pad should be YOURS. Even voiolently so. Make it individual. - yeah baby.

ive painted most of my place is custom chewed by doggy.

2:57 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

forrest gump fan i see...

1:46 AM  
Blogger mojo said...

my sympathies man...i totally know what you mean...i mean home feels like home because its 70 years old and has got spidery cracks all over the walls and four poster beds and all that stuff u talked about...i hate the time i have to spend in my mamarbari which is 4 houses away...shit man ....i honestly feel for you...try and come back to our glorious para...the best para in calcutta!!!

1:06 AM  

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