In honour of: The boy who wanted more
Once upon a time, (read: a lazy tuesday afternoon) a beral, a bear and a grumpy old tiger were sitting in a canteen known as moni da's and eating lunch. The tiger was being grumpy and refusing generous offerings of food. The beral and the bear were gorging on momos and soup. Finally being stuffed, the beral asked the bear to finish the soup, and also being stuffed, the bear asked the grumpy tiger to finish the soup, with a very sweet smile ( if i may add!! ). The tiger grumpily took the soup and tasted the first spoonful. "Mmmmmm!", he said in surprise, "The soup is GOOD!!" We shared askance glances. "Ok", we said. At this juncture, a certain Biletus approached and gave the trio a graphic description of what went into the making of the soup. A behind-the-scenes-expose, i might add! The bear and beral grimaced, having just eaten. The tiger, grumpiness disappeared, slurped up the rest of the soup undeterred! And then.......
AND THEN.....................
An unthinkable thing happened!
The tiger, looking up from the empty soup bowl asked in a plaintive voice," Say, do you think if i went up to moni da and asked for soem more he'd give me any??"
Pin drop silence.
Time froze.
It took an eternity for someone's discarded matchstick to fall to the ground.
All stared in awe at the tiger.
It was at this precise moment that the tiger's nerve failed.
"Is anyone willing to have a plate of momos so that i can have the soup?? I'll sponsor it!!" he bawled, across moni da's premises. There was an instant uproar. Such an offer had never been made in the history of the sacred establishment!!! It was an offer that couldn't be refused!!! The regular patrons searched their stomachs, but alas! The offer had come too late!! They had all had their lunch and eaten it too!! Would the offer go to waste then?? No! A certain Deep gallantly offered to stomach the momos just so the offer could stand in the history books of moni da's but...................
A fresher, new to tradition, having no sense of hallowed history and the momentousness of the moment, got up and offered her bowl of soup to the deprived tiger. the tiger, grinning a Cheshire beral-er grin happily accepted, and without spending a penny more, got more!!!
And he lived happily ever after.
The End.
but not today...
oshadharon. rebholutionary goppo. ki suspense! ki thriller!
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