Saturday, March 11, 2006

3 days in the life of a cheesecake

9 March, 2006:

Today was a day of violence.
In all my classes today, my senses were violently assaulted by boredom. Probably due to the tankloads of medication I'm on to keep all kinds of chaap at bay!!!! I kept on feeling like I was in a drug-induced stupor. Which I probably was anyways. Yet I did all (yes folks!!! for a change ALL!!!!) my classes today. talk about dedication!!!!
Even at rehearsals today, I was witness to violence. Bodhi jumped on Anc, Raka jumped on Anc and Bodhi, Mo jumped on Raka, there was quite a brawl. I'm glad to say that any chaap I might've had, got flushed down the toilet in the morning!!!I got a preview of what might happen if the play's a disaster!!!!
Fingers crossed. Prayed tonight, after a long time!!!!

10 March, 2006;
Got up this morning, panic-stricken. Didn't get a wink of sleep last night. Not surprised.
Anc still hasn't got his lines. Not surprised. No chaap. Not one bit. Not even a teensy weensy bit.
The play seems to have been well received. Anc has stolen the show, as expected, but deservedly. Am not happy with my performance. Hence am a bit gloomy. Glad I get a second chance.
Worst thing is, I think Dhruv was there!!!! DAMN!!!! Wish I could've acted better!!!!

11 March, 2006:

Woke up with a familiar empty feeling inside me. Familiar to the ending of plays.It's over???

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

The bear's belly be'eth burning, brewing, boiling, bubbling betraying my boundless belief in its cast-iron capacities- to borrow a tendency from an alliterating friend of mine.

Folks, I have been unwell these past few days. My stomach has been feeling like blancmange. held together by a titanium airframe of medication,.........but blancmange nevertheless.

Am saving my energies for my upcoming production "Death of a Godot". (Note my dedication!!!!) All must surely come.

The Bear be'eth highly bored.

Monday, March 06, 2006

Tut tut,

Friends are not what they used to be.

People can be so stupid indeed.